Past Projects & Partnerships

The Cahill Family Foundation is committed to promoting healthy families and communities across Newfoundland and Labrador.
Our Foundation supports educational, health care, social service, and recreational programs with a youth focus to help families pursue their dreams.

Rainbow Riders Therapeutic Riding Centre
Rainbow Riders offers therapeutic equestrian programs to children and youth with special challenges. The Cahill Family Foundation donated funds to support equestrian therapy training for pediatric mental health professionals, program development, and a new horse.

Hope Air
Hope Air provides free travel and accommodations for families in need who require access to medical care away from home.

Ronald McDonald House NL
Ronald McDonald House supports families with a sick or injured child from across Newfoundland and Labrador.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Newfoundland
Big Brothers Big Sisters helps struggling young people through life-changing mentoring experiences and support.

Manuels River Natural Heritage Society:
Connect the Trails
Connect the Trails is an expansion project that aims to add more than 3,000 metres of ocean trail to Manuals River communities in Conception Bay South, NL.

Bowring Park Foundation and the City of St. John’s: Labyrinth Project
The Cahill Family Foundation has partnered with the Bowring Park Foundation and the City of St. John’s to create a Labyrinth in Bowring Park. Slated to be completed in 2021, the Labyrinth will help break down mental health barriers and promote wellness throughout the community.